Saturday, July 24, 2010

Classroom Gone Wild

This coming school year I will be in a new room, in a new addition to our school building.  As a result, I decided that I need to find a theme for my room.  Last year I bought these name tags and fell in love with them.  

Now my whole room is based off of them.  Here are some pictures of my sewing projects and how my classroom is coming together so far.  Enjoy!

I thought the space above the whiteboards needed some color!

Area behind my desk.  Still needs a boarder around it.

Reading Corner #1

Library/Reading Corner #2

Zebra Curtains (I only sewed the zebra onto the bottom)/Reading Corner #3 and I sewed the big pillows!

Cafe Table

Artsy Cafe Table Picture

Home made valence

I can't wait to be here everyday!  I think my students will like it too!



  1. This is awesome! Your students are so lucky-you can tell just by looking around that you LOVE them!

  2. Love love love this! Where did you get the nametags?

  3. I'll say this again, I wish I was a student in your classroom. So cute and creative!

  4. Megs- I got them at a teacher supply store, but you can order them from Frog Street Press. They have lots of cute stuff. It took a while for my order to come, but it was totally worth the wait!

  5. I am so impressed. You can tell you really DO care for your kids, because of the environment you'll be putting them in. You'll make learning fun and a happy experience and the kids will get a happy vibe just from how the room id decorated. Kudos to you!
