Picture from last week
How far along? 31Weeks
Size of baby? Head of lettuce- 19 inches and around 4 lbs.
Total weight gain? Somewhere around 27 lbs
Maternity Clothes? Mostly maternity clothes, and some super long stretchy pre-pregnancy clothes.
Sleep? Stil; cannot complain. Definitely stuck on my side these days.
Best moment of the week? Seeing Audrey in 3D! It was so incredible to see her face, watch her sleep, suck, and scrunch her face. She is such an amazing little thing! Pregnancy has really made me stand in awe of God's creation. She is absolutely perfect!
Miss anything? Bending over to tie my shoes. I either have to prop it way up or have Stinson do it. Maybe I'll stick to slip-ons!
Movement? All the time! She is a busy little girl these days. I think she is taking swimming lessons around 9 every night. It has been crazy to watch my belly move with her movements.
Cravings? Nope. Just a lot hungrier these days. I have started adding a mid morning snack to make it through the morning of teaching. I think my students think I'm crazy for eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich at 9:30 in the morning.
Symptoms? Heartburn, some leg cramps here and there, shortness of breath for sure, and apparently snoring!
Belly button in or out? In but it is really staring to stretchout.
Wedding rings on or off? Off. It's been more comfortable without anything. :(
Mood? Normal. Happy, not too cranky unless it's Friday!
Labor Signs? None so far!
Labor Signs? None so far!
Looking forward to? Audrey getting here. After seeing her face I cannot wait to meet her. These next 9 weeks better go fast!
Here she is! Such a precious little sleeper!
Here you can see her cute little foot tucked up by her face.
And here is the one where she scrunched up her face as Stinson was pushing on my belly trying to get her to wake up and move. I think they are going to have a really fun relationship!
There are lots more pictures, check on the facebook album to see them! Yes, Angie should be a professional party thrower!