Monday, February 22, 2010

Snow Day....No It's a Project Day!

Today marked the sixth snow day of the year, some of you may think I am lucky until I tell you that we now get out six days later than planned.  Instead of wasting my day, I decided it was time to complete some "art" projects to help spice up some walls in the house.

I headed out the door on a mission to collect my supplies, and for once I ame home with everything I needed! 

The first project is one that I got from my clever siter-in-law Sara.  If you don't already, you should check out her blog because she is always up to some nifty home-improvement project.  Anyway back to my project. To start you need some foam board, and scrapbooking paper.  I used 12"x12" and 8.5"x11" (which I cut into 8.5" squares for the 8.5"x11"), acrylic paint and a glue stick.

For more detailed how to insturctions visit Sara's blog.
Here is the foam bord ready to be beautified!

Here is the paper I selected

Then I glued the paper to the foam board and just like that they were breath-taking.  Then I used those sticky wall hanging strips to hang them.  I love the red board, I think it really makes the paper pop!

I made these to help spruce up the laundry room.  This Wednesday, I will be sewing curtains for the kitchen and valences for the laundry room that will really set these little beauties off.  I know the anticipation is going to kill you! :)

Here is the finished product!
These are the 12" squares

And the 8.5" Squares

The whole project was complete for a cost of $12 dollars! Sara did hers for less but I had to buy paint and foam board.  Still pretty cheap though!

On to project number two.  This project unfortunately was not completed today due to the layers of spray paint not being completely dry.  I will show you the before picture, and let you use your imagination for the after picture until its revealed later this week!

You should know the whole thing costs me less than $20!

Recently I decided that I need to learn how to sew.  So, the first step in doing so is buying a sewing machine.  Last night I found the perfect one on Craig's List!  Of course it was a steal of a deal, and no it is not fancy or brand new, but it works and is in good condition.  So, tonight to top off my very crafty day I went to pick up and pay for this little beauty:

Of course I will be using this a ton!

Well, that is all of my crafts and deals for today.  I promise to reveal project number two and the new window treatmens ASAP!  Until then....

Sunday, February 21, 2010


Lately I have gotten into this habit of disappearing for a while, but this should change now that we have internet at our new house!   I am so excited to keep you all up to date on the home projects and life in general!  The bummer thing about not blogging for so long is there is so much to tell.  The long-winded girl is going to try to bullet point life the last two months.

  • We are moved in. We have rearranged furniture and decorations 1,000 times we finally found the ideal look.
  • The plumber probably hates us because he has had to come back 3 times to fix our kitchen sink, but it seems that everything has been fixed, fingers crossed.
  • The new house has enjoyed having lots of friends over for meals and hang out time.  Our limit is about 4 people at a time! :)
  • Stinson is full time in the football office now.  He comes home on cloud nine every night, we get to go to church together and eat dinner together!!!!
  • I will be learning how to sew on Wednesday. One of the teachers I teach with is helping make drapes for the kitchen window and the laundry room windows.  Be looking for pictures at the end of next week.  
  • Owning a house has given me the desire to own my own sewing machine.  Craig's list will be my new best friend until I find the best buy.  I am sure that I will be finding lots of projects for the house and my classroom as soon as I have a sewing machine in my possession.
  • I am currently doing the Esther bible study by Beth Moore.   God is speaking to my heart in some amazing ways.  Some of the words she writes seem like they were written just for my heart.  The book of Esther holds truths that I never took the time to look closely for, and God is knocking my socks off with the things He is revealing.

  • Yesterday, I got my first truly fancy cell phone.  Thanks to the mom of the boys I watched last summer, and will watch again this summer, Stinson and I were able to change to an incredible cell phone plan where we pay for both of us what we would have paid for one.  (Hurray for saving money!)  The plan includes internet access and a world of widgets I never could have imagined! 

  • My darling sister is coming to visit Brady (and me) next weekend!  I can't wait to see her and do a few wedding things.  She will be our first out of town visitor to stay at the house.
  • Spring break is quickly approaching......need I say more?!
  • We are doing a biggest loser competition at school and I am excited.  I am looking forward to shedding the extra pounds and inches I managed to put on this winter......
I think that is all for now.  Sorry if you're totally bored, I promise to have a much more exciting, project oriented post later this week!
